Welcome to the Sanctuary Choir!

We are a volunteer choir under the direction of Wendy Bamonte and sing everything from Bach to gospel. We serve the congregation by leading in worship, proclaiming the glory of God, and through our music help to magnify the message each Sunday. We rehearse in the sanctuary every Thursday from 7:00 to 9:00 PM, from September through June. During rehearsals, we develop musical skills, participate in Christian fellowship, and “make a joyful noise”.

Know the Score

Our Music Library Team is led by Jeff and includes Elaine Dickson, Linnea Garrett, and Sue Neuharth. Jeff will assign you a numbered music folder and slot. Slots are on the wall at the choir room entrance. Always check your slot and folder at each rehearsal for the necessary music. If you are missing a piece of music, please let Jeff know. Music is turned into the basket by the choir room door when it is no longer needed.

Look the Part

Peggy Williams is in charge of choir robes. Assignments are made by height. Problems with robes, i.e., mending, cleaning, etc. should be brought to her attention. All robes are cleaned each year in July.

Don't Miss a Beat

You have been given a 2024-2025 Sanctuary Choir Calendar which lists the dates we rehearse, sing, and have workshops, as well as other music events we are involved in. Please take the time to mark your calendars. You can also find detailed schedules of what we sing each week, along with recordings and practice tracks, on our main page.

Find your Seat

We often spend rehearsals sitting in sections, so you can choose any seat that is comfortable for you near other people singing your part. When we have a Sunday morning worship service coming up, you will find a seating chart on your way into the sanctuary. Please note this may change between Thursday and Sunday depending on sign outs, so always check! Seating is always flexible, so if you you are uncomfortable where you are placed, just let Jeff, Aaron, or Wendy know and we will adjust.

People to Know

Need to sign out at the last minute or reach us for any other reason? Email choir@lakegrovepres.org

Wendy Bamonte

Director of Music Ministries

Aaron Lange

Program Manager for Worship and Music

Jeff Wood

Assistant Director of Music

Andie Ellis

Choir President

Linda Canfield

Soprano Section Leader

Anne Swanson

Alto Section Leader

Glen Hascall

Tenor Section Leader

Pete Johnson

Bass Section Leader

Lisa Okada

Choir Care Coordinator

Peggy Williams


Brad Anderson

Choir Chaplain

Linda Brugh

Choir Chaplain

Jeannine Graham

Choir Chaplain

Karen Prigodich

Choir Chaplain

Fred Wagner

Choir Chaplain

Elaine Dickson

Choir Library Team

Linnea Garrett

Choir Library Team

Sue Neuharth

Choir Library Team

Becky Fiebach

Choir Library Team